Products Liability
Holding Companies Responsible
When a defective or malfunctioning product causes harm to consumers, the product’s manufacturer, distributor, or retailer can be held legally responsible for the damages. If you’ve been seriously hurt due to a faulty or poorly-designed product, call the product liability attorneys at Kenney & Conley today for a free consultation.
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What types of dangerous product cases have you handled?
Expert Legal Guidance
Even in today’s economy, products that become defective or dangerous to the public still find their way into the marketplace. If you’ve experienced damage from any form of product defect, give us a call today to explore how we can help. Our attorneys can expertly manage your products liability case so you can focus on your recovery.

Equipment and Machinery
Severe injuries as a result of heavy equipment and machinery on the worksite can have life-changing consequences. If you’ve suffered injuries involving heavy machinery while on the job, physical disabilities, increasing medical bills, and other hurdles can drastically reduce quality of life. Let us help you seek recovery on your behalf.
Defective Products
At Kenney & Conley, we look out for the consumer. Our attorneys have the industry knowledge and experience to handle many types of personal injury claims. We have expertly represented the interests of many clients with cases involving injuries sustained from defective consumer products, recalled items, and industrial goods.
Toys & Recreation Equipment
If you or a loved one has suffered an injury due to a malfunction with toys, sporting goods, or recreational equipment, get in touch with our law offices at Kenney & Conley. We’ll provide a complimentary consultation regarding your rights to compensation. We have represented severely injured clients for over three decades.
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